Oracle Fusion

Why Choose Us

People Tech Group offers Oracle Fusion Technologies based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to help organizations address their business challenges.

To stay competitive in today’s business environment, organizations must increase their technological agility and decrease operational costs. People Tech Group’s Fusion Middleware solutions enable you with scalable, flexible, simplified business processes along with integrated, open standards based architecture that increases your capacity for growth and responsiveness to change.

People Tech Group provides a unique and comprehensive application delivery platform that greatly enhances the productivity and benefits of the Fusion Middleware stack.

Service Offerings

People Tech Group has a holistic set of service offerings spanning across Oracle Fusion Middleware technologies. Our highly experienced Fusion Middleware team and other application experts provide you with the right guidance and support necessary across the different lifecycle stages of adoption. These structured and comprehensive set of services will enable your organization to evolve to the next generation of enterprise architecture with Oracle Fusion Middleware as the technology foundation.